Analysis of Geometry Problem Solving with a Metacognitive Approach in terms of the Cognitive Strategy Aspect

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Maya Rumakat


This research aims to determine students' abilities to solve geometry problems using a metacognitive approach, looking at the cognitive strategy aspect. This type of research is qualitative with a descriptive approach. The research subjects consisted of three class IX students of Purwodadi Adventist Middle School with high, medium, and low abilities. Data collection was carried out through testing instruments, test questions, and interviews. The results of this research show that students who are highly skilled in solving geometric problems using a metacognitive approach, looking at the cognitive strategy aspect, have fulfilled the overall indicators very well. Then, students with moderate abilities, in solving geometry problems using a metacognitive approach reviewed in the cognitive strategy aspect, can fulfill all the indicators of the cognitive strategy aspect quite well. Meanwhile, students with low ability in solving geometry problems using a metacognitive approach reviewed in the cognitive strategy aspect have not been able to fulfill some of the indicators in the cognitive strategy aspect

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How to Cite
Maya Rumakat, & Lala Intan Komalasari. (2024). Analysis of Geometry Problem Solving with a Metacognitive Approach in terms of the Cognitive Strategy Aspect. Jurnal LENTERA: Jurnal Studi Pendidikan, 6(1), 83-98.


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